Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Amanda got me it goes:::
What is his name? Mitch most of the time but, when I'm mad....oh...never mind!!

How long have you been married? In another week and 10 days it will be 22 years.

How long did you date? Well, we had known each other since babyhood....he claims to have helped my mom change my diapers!! So, we went on a "friend" outing that turned into something more serious on September 21, got engaged on December 25, got married on May 17, so, that would be, almost 8 mos. But, we really did know each other well!!

How old is he? He is 51

Who eats more? He does, but, lately it's a toss up!!

Who said I love you first? I think I did but, only because I was coming off a serious relationship and he didn't want to scare me away so, he waited until I knew it before it was said.

Who is taller? I am NOT tall!! He is NOT tall, but, he is taller than me....5'8" to my 5'2"!!

Who sings better? Our daughter!!

Who's temper is worse? Well, his is quicker, mine is slower....takes alot to make me angry but, when I reach that point, I'm pretty mean!!

Who does the laundry? Well, ever since I was in the hospital for weeks awaiting one of the kids birth and he did it, so proud of himself, and I came home to grey everything because he washed my dry clean black pants, I do it, gladly!!

Who does the dishes? That would be mostly me.....I don't work so, I fix dinner and clean up. Sometimes, he surprises me and does it but, if I mess anything up, he goes nuts.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed (when you are facing it)? that strange? I sleep closest to the bathroom wherever we are and that happens to be the right side at home.

Who pays the bills? I do. I write the checks and put the envelope next to his stuff for work the next day and he takes it to work so that it doesn't sit in the mailbox.

Who cooks dinner? Again, my job....he's at work, I'm at home, I cook!!

Who mows the lawn? The Lawn guy unless we buy a riding mower than, we will both do it...I will ride around like I know what I am doing while he trims the edges and gets the hard to reach spots with the push mower. I'm actually psyched about this one.

Who drives when you are together? Mostly him. I will sometimes go with him on a road trip and I will drive because he does his puzzle from the newspaper when he is driving and it freaks me out.....but, it also gives him a break because he drives all of the time.

Who has more friends? That's a tough one. He has more that are around here being that he's at work. I have bunches of internet friends that I actually get to see now and then. Who has more? I dunno.

Who has more siblings? I do. I have three brothers to his two sisters. Guess we kinda understand each other better having grown up with the opposite sex with no same sex sibling for help/protection.

Who wears the pants in the family? This is a shared responsibility...mostly. Now, if we are talking about bugs???? He most certainly gets the title!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Great entry! It was nice to learn a little more about Mitch. Don't forget to "tag" some other bloggers :)